A Note About Digital Ingots

If you have tried to purchase gram quantities of gold, then you know that it is impossible to find suppliers that do not mark up the product dramatically above the spot price of gold.  You also know that gram quantities are the best way to hold gold if you want it as an emergency source of value.  

We at Digital Ingots are committed to utilizing the latest technology to provide gram and sub-gram quantities of gold at reasonable prices.  We are currently targeting a 10% above spot price for 1 gram quantities, but believe we can get that number down to 5% or even less as we hone our processes.  

By utilizing a membership model, we are able utilize the revenues from membership to keep our prices on gold as low as possible.  We will continue to refine our model and deliver a premium investment grade ingot at affordable prices. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Digital Ingots a Crypto-Currency?

Digital Ingots is NOT a crypto currency.  We allow individuals to purchase gold in quantities as little as 100 mg.  If you purchase a gram or more, you can take delivery of the gold if you wish, or we can store it for you.  When you make a purchase from Digital Ingots, we secure the gold upon purchase.  Unlike gold backed crypto currencies, we not only allow you to take possession of the gold, but we encourage it. 

What is a minimum purchase?

You can purchase as little as 100 mg of gold (or one tenth of a gram).  We currently are only offering delivery of gold in 1 gram increments, so you would need to purchase at least a gram of gold to be able to take delivery.  We plan to deliver sub gram quantities of gold in the near future, after we have our 100 mg ingots available. 

Why shouldn't I just purchase in 1 ounce increments?

If you want to purchase gold purely as an investment and have the funds available, then purchasing in one ounce quantities can be more economical.  Digital Ingots caters to those individuals who may not be able to purchase gold in 1 ounce quantities and to those individuals who see the value of having smaller denominations of gold than 1 ounce increments.  Bartering for goods with 1 ounce quantities of gold can be challenging.  

When will your 100 mg digital ingots be available?

We hope to have our 100 mg digital ingots available in 2025 as well as 250 mg and 500 mg products as well. 

Do I have to take possession of the gold?

You do not have to take possession of the gold.  We will store it for you at no additional fee.  Our gold is stored in a secure vault.  

Can I use funds from my IRA to invest in Digital Ingots?

Some IRA's do allow you to use funds from your IRA to invest in gold.  Ask your financial advisor about this.  

How does your storage work?

When you purchase gold on our site, we purchase that amount and store it in our vaults.  It is a non-segregated storage which means there is not a specific piece of gold that is dedicated to you.  When you redeem your gold to take delivery, we then issue you our physical Digital Ingots with specific serial numbers attributed to you and send them to you.   

Why do you have Revelation 13:17 on your physical ingot?

Many Christians believe that there will come a time when they will be required to make a decision.  That decision is whether to follow someone other than God, by taking a mark.  If they do not take the mark, they will not be able to buy nor sell, which in today's world means neither your cash nor your credit cards will work for you.  This means that Christians will need something that has value to be able to trade for the items they need to live.